Yes, I'm still alive. Were you starting to wonder? I've been busy - Christmas, trip to Delta, trip to Arizona, New Year's, working, having family over, joy school, website. Phew!
Christmas was nice. We did our own thing at home. When I went to wake up Michael on Christmas morning (at 7:30 or so), he said, "I'm still tired" and refused to get out of bed. Then I reminded him that he had presents to open, and he got up and asked, "Did Santa bring a train?" He didn't. But Michael doesn't seem to mind. He got plenty of other stuff. Jeff's parents came over to watch the kids open presents, and they took lots of photos. But I haven't gotten them yet....
The day after Christmas we went to Delta to spend time with my family. We met Mandi and Burke's baby, Abigail, for the first time (she's four months old now), and got reacquainted with Matthew. And they got to meet Faith. They are so fun. We can't wait until they move back to Utah, or Grand Junction, or wherever they end up, as long as it's closer than Texas.
Jeff came home from Delta because he had to go back to work, but the kids and I went with Mom and Dad down to Arizona to visit my grandparents. It was a nice trip. The kids did so well in the car. Faith had a couple of meltdowns, but honestly, if I was a kid and allowed to have meltdowns, I probably would have, too. But it was great to see Grandma and Grandpa, even though it was only for a little over a day.
I've been working a lot on getting photos and things listed on my other site. I changed the name of it to If anyone is interested, check it out. I still have more to add, but it's coming along. I also have a site at They both have pretty much the same stuff, although I'm going to add wedding cakes to the sugared jalapeno site. Soon, hopefully.
Speaking of wedding cakes, I'll probably be doing another one in a couple of weeks. One of Jeff's co-workers is getting married very suddenly, and they're coming over to my house tomorrow night to go over photos, ideas, pricing, etc. So still no rest. But that's okay. Wedding cakes don't take any more time than most of my crochet projects, but they pay a whole lot more.