First, a video of Michael singing:
He was so cute doing this. He sings it really well when someone is singing it with him, but obviously, when he's on his own, it's a little more difficult.
Next, some photos of Michael at Terrace Days. It was raining most of yesterday, but in the afternoon while it was just drizzling, we got out of the house and took the kids to Terrace Days at Rohmer Park. They had several of those huge inflatable activities, and Michael had a great time on the slide. He would have spent all afternoon on it if it hadn't started raining hard again. So we left and went to Costco for a while. Later, Jeff went back to the park with him, and he spent more time on the slide. He also tried out some of the other things, like the bouncing tent and the obstacle course. But the slide was the best.
While we were at Costco yesterday, we bought a new vacuum. Our old one was at least seven years old, and it was the cheapest model available at the time. Yeah, it was crappy. The new one, however, is my new favorite possession. After vacuuming our living room twice and our family room once, I emptied the canister. I was surprised at how much dirt and gunk came out. Remember, we've been keeping the house clean, so we have vacuumed much more regularly than usual. So to get so much yucky stuff out of apparently clean carpets was interesting.
I was released from my calling today. I'll miss the kids - especially the nursery singing time. But I won't miss the hassle. It will be nice to go to Gospel Doctrine with Jeff again, and especially to go to Relief Society. I do miss the sisters. The new Primary president is my former second counselor, and she'll do a great job. They'll all be fantastic.
We've had one person come walk through our house. The Realtor told us we'd have a day's notice. Not so. Jeff came home on Friday to a message on the phone saying that someone would be there between 5:30 and 6:30. I hadn't made the beds or done the dishes, so Jeff was freaking out trying to get things done. Unfortunately, the people showed up at 4:40. So it wasn't as clean as it could have been. Oh well. I won't leave the house messy again. (I promise, Sweetie.)
Why was I not home on Friday to get that message myself? I took the kids to the Treehouse, and then for ice cream (Michael had Sprite) at Farr's, and then to walk around the fountains at the temple. We were just wasting time before I had to go to work. It was fun, but I must say that I learned two very important lessons. Number one: it's very hard to keep track of two kids at the Treehouse by myself. They like to book it in opposite directions. And number two: Faith should probably not eat an entire bowl of ice cream by herself. It gives her nasty diaper rash. But I'm stingy and didn't want to share mine, so I bought Faith her own. Now I know, she isn't ready for that.
And just a couple of funny conversations with Michael:
Michael: (Putting chapstick on) When I'm 19, I'll buy some new chapstick.
Me: Yup, you'll have your own money then.
Michael: Yeah, and this chapstick will be really old when I'm 19.
Michael: I don't like that park anymore (pointing to the playground at Rohmer Park - this is just after he had played forever on the big slide).
Me: You don't? Why not?
Michael: It makes me really, really angry. It makes me say MEH! And OOOHHHHHH!
Me: Michael, what are you doing? (He was sitting up in bed, really late, holding one of his stuffed animals.)
Michael: I'm trying to baptize Blue Bear and Noah.
Me: You're trying to baptize them?
Michael: Yeah. I'm trying to baptize ALL my animals.
Michael: Can I have some root beer with my food today?
Jeff: I don't know if Grandma has root beer at her house. (We were on our way to their house.) If she does, you can have some.
Michael: If she doesn't, I'll just have to suffer when I eat. (Okay, so this is what Jeff heard. But what he actually said, was "I'll just have a sucker after I eat.")
1 comment:
Matthew LOVES this video. We have now watched it at least 250 times (at least it seems like it - maybe it has only been 25 times).
I love the conversations with Michael! What a crack-up!
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