A couple of weeks ago I heard a story on NPR that made me a little bit angry. Actually, it was just one statement that really upset me. The reporter was interviewing a couple who are Atheists. I only caught a little bit of the interview, but at one point the man being interviewed said, "I mean, what is faith? Faith is believing something without having a good reason to believe it."
That isn't so different from what so many of us believe - that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). But without a good reason? I got a little peeved. I mean seriously, who is this guy to decide what is a "good reason" for me to believe something?
Doctrine and Covenants 88:118 says that we should "seek learning, even by study and also by faith." Of course, in order for a person to learn by faith, they must first have a belief in God. Joseph Smith taught that in his Lectures on Faith. Since this man refuses to believe in God, he cannot understand how faith could possibly teach him anything.
But not having faith narrows your possibilities - and in a way, your potential - so much. Are we to believe that there is nothing non-scientific that is worth knowing? Is there nothing valuable that cannot be experienced with our five senses and evaluated in the laboratory? I believe that science tells us the how, and religion (i.e. faith) tells us the why. Given that, I've decided to write down a few things that I (and others) have learned by faith.
Through faith, I have learned that God is merciful. Even when the understanding of men cannot take away confusion, grief, and doubt, His voice can speak peace to our hearts and guide us to an understanding of what will be.
I know that He is real. An woman I taught in Portugal said it better than anyone else I've ever met - she said, "I see God every day. Not with my physical eyes, but with my spiritual eyes. I pray, and He answers my prayers. I need help, and He sends it. I see Him everywhere." What scientific explanation can there be for all the miracles that happen every day to so many faithful people all over the world? Coincidence? I just don't buy it.
I know that He loves me. At a very difficult time in my life, I prayed and confided in Him that I didn't think I could live with the pain I was feeling. I asked Him to take the pain away from me. And He did it immediately. Immediately. What a blessing that was. He didn't change the situation, but He replaced my pain with a beautiful assurance that the thing I desired most would happen when it was time for it to happen.
I have learned that He expects me to be better, and He will always help me be better than I think I can be. His guidance has led me to make decisions that completely contradict what "most people" would do in the same situation. And so far I have no doubt that those decisions have been correct.
Through faith I know that Jesus knows what I feel. I've never really liked it when people say, "Jesus suffered all things, so just remember that when you go through these trials, He went through even worse things." Really? I mean, He certainly went through worse things than anything I have experienced, but is knowing that really supposed to make me feel better? I've never understood that logic. However, to know that He loves me so much that He suffers with me is a great blessing.
I have learned that He has a personal interest in me and in what goes on in my life.
I wish that man who was interviewed could know half of these things. I wish he would open his spiritual eyes and see the enormous potential to learn Truths that were previously unknown to him.
What have you learned by faith?
There are layers and layers to my faith. Experiences, promptings, trials have all added to my slow slow spiritual growth- but regardless of my slow progress, I know God is aware and patient with me.
People who claim to not believe God still have faith in something- it is in our nature as God's children to believe in something- science, family, whatever- so even though athiests claim not to believe in God, they believe in things He created- you can't escape God's work. Any belief that produces hope comes from God whether Mr. Athiest believes it or not.
My greatest treasure here on earth is my faith. Oh how grateful I am to have faith. I am grounded. I am happy because of it.
Thank you for this post, Cami. Faith is something I have really struggled with for the last year or so -- or at least areas of it anyway. I've learned soo much and grown so much over the last year.
Faith is easy enough to talk about, discuss, and even sing about in Primary songs; but I have learned that sometimes, faith can be very hard - very trying - to exercise. I have had several moments where all seemed hopeless, and I didn't think I could keep going. It was at those times when I had to literally ask myself if my faith was strong enough to see me through -- did I truly believe what I thought I knew? Did I have enough faith in Jesus Christ, that He would be able to carry me through to the next minute, hour, day?
In every moment like that, I have recognized that I have been given an added strength to keep going -- even when it seems like I can't anymore. I think faith is a process, something that builds over time. And every moment that I have where I actually have to USE my faith is just one more drop in my reserves for when I need it again.
Of course I've learned much more than this, but I'm sure you don't want a novel in your comment section. :)
Thanks again!
That statement from that man really made me sad...not for me but for him. Think of how much he is missing out on in life. Faith opens the door for me to so much more. If it wasn't for faith...what would I have to live for? Faith is what makes me want to be better, to progress...having faith that God will help me become a better person, wife, and mother.
Life without faith would be empty. Very very empty.
Faith is what gets us through all of our challenges. Faith keeps us from going insane. Faith helps us to get up each morning and face the day even if the day doesn't look so good. Faith and a good attitude go hand in hand. Through faith I feel the Savior's love and look to him for guidance. His love is all encompassing. True joy comes through him. By exercising faith we can have a knowledge of the Savior's love for us.
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