Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday

1. Snuggle time with Faith and Lauren. I love it when either of my girls ask me to lie down with them. They snuggle up next to me, and Lauren wraps her arm around me really tight. Then the other one usually needs a turn.

2. Prayer. I have horrible nightmares - the kind that make you not be able to sleep because you can't get those horrible images out of your head. But at 2:30 in the morning, you really want to sleep. I have found that prayer is a surefire way to get the pictures out of my head and get back to sleep. In fact, I couldn't tell you what my nightmares are about, because I don't remember. The images are truly gone.

3. Miss Sadie, Faith's pre-school teacher. I love that Faith is so excited every day for pre-school. I love that she always comes home with a cute craft or drawing and a big smile. I love that yesterday they had a Thanksgiving feast and presented a little program complete with fun songs and a play. I didn't think to bring my camera, unfortunately. I really wish I had taken some photos.

4. Michael. That boy is seriously such a blessing to me. He is a helpful, loving (usually) older brother. He is a good example to his sisters, and also to me. He helps me remember what a blessing it is to be a mom, and I try to tell him often that I am proud of him and that I am glad I am his mom.

5. Weber State's online classes. I've just started taking a series of digital photography classes. I'm learning a lot about my camera, and the class has made me delve into the overwhelming owner's manual. Don't worry - I'm not going to be starting my own business. I just want to take good photos of my kids and my cakes.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Notice anything different?

 Need a hint?
Yes, we had Lauren's ears pierced last night. She was so good. There were two ladies at the store, so they did both ears at once, which I thought would be better. But one of the ladies missed her dot - by a lot. It was high and through part of the cartilage in her left ear. So we had to take the earring out and pierce it again. I was NOT a happy momma with that one.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Um, let's just say it's been a long time since I blogged, and move on, okay? Here's what I'm especially thankful for today:

1. Uncle Jerry's work. Okay, so this place is actually called TDS, but it will forever be "Uncle Jerry's work" to me, my siblings, and my kids. We have had not one, not two, but THREE flat tires in the last few days, and they have fixed all of them for free. I love that the people there talk to my kids and I love the free popcorn in the waiting room. (So do my girls.) I never feel like they're trying to scam me into doing some expensive service or repair. They tell me straight up, "You can probably wait on this a while," or, "I'd probably do this in the next couple of months."

2. Shutterfly. I'm trying to make some photobooks, and from the programs I've tried, this one seems to be the most user-friendly for the best cost (if you wait for a sale). Michael and Faith both have books I made them when they were little, but Lauren has never had one of her own. Recently she started asking, "Where's my book?" Well how do I answer that? So I'm making one for her for Christmas.

3. Blogs - specifically my own and my sister Callie's. In addition to the book for Lauren, I'm starting the overwhelming task of making a book for each year that Jeff and I have been married. My plan is to give a copy to each of the kids for each year they have been alive as well. This involves scanning in all of the art projects we've kept, as well as random school program flyers, etc., that I want to include. My own blog and Callie's have been so helpful in figuring out when different things happened so I can put the right dates on them. Also, it has been so fun to review my old posts and remember things that I had forgotten, like this conversation with Michael in 2008, when he was three:

Me: Look, Michael, an airplane!
Michael: Is somebody flying?
Me: Yes, somebody is flying.
Michael: Do they have shoes on?

Love it!

4. Inspiration. I have recently felt inspired to make certain changes in my life, specifically regarding the way I respond to my kids. This has been so helpful in making our home a more peaceful place where the Spirit can be felt more readily. Also, my kids are happier, and so am I.

5. Opportunities at Jeff's work. Jeff has been in a job he has hated for the last year or so. But starting next week he will be able to return to an area that he loved. The bad part is he will no longer be able to work from home. The good part (besides him enjoying the job more) is that he will be able to do a 4 10s schedule and be home every Friday. (The other good part is that I won't have to share my sewing room with his office anymore.)