Sunday, June 29, 2008

Why, oh why, oh why?

I never thought I'd be a blogger, but it has been fun reading my sisters' blogs, and it's a great way for everyone to see what's going on with the family, so here we go.

So why did I choose "Why, oh why, oh why?" for my blog name? Mostly because it's the name of a song Michael has been singing a lot lately. It's an Ann Murray song on a cassette tape my mom recorded for us, and we listen to that tape ALL THE TIME in the car. We have that tape -- which also includes a recording of Raffi's "Baby Beluga" album and a bunch of Janean Brady songs -- and another Raffi CD. Michael calls all of it "Raffi songs," and he gets SO mad if I dare change the radio to - get this - radio.

The other reason I picked this name is because that's what I think sometimes: "Why oh why oh why won't you eat, Michael?" And "Why oh why oh why did we buy this house with the itty bitty yard?" And "Why oh why oh why did they call me to be the Primary president?" And on and on...

That's all for tonight. Phew, my first post is done. Tomorrow I'll graduate to posting some photos.


Connie said...

Thanks Cami. Now all 3 of you have blogs. I'm glad to be able to keep up on stuff. Glad to know Michael still loves the music. It's good for the soul.

Love, Mom

Mandi said...

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere. I knew you'd cross over eventually.

Loved those pics of chubby Faith. What a cutie!

Love you!

Callie Hansen said...

I knew we'd convert you eventually. I'm glad you're blogging! WARNING: it's addicting, especially if you have time to kill. :)

Love you