Friday, February 12, 2010

doctor appointment specs

My girls are both growing so much! To save time, I scheduled Faith's 2-year and Lauren's 2-month appointments for the same time.

24 inches, 95th percentile
12 pounds, 80th percentile
38.4 cm head, 40th percentile

34 1/2 inches, 60th percentile
27 pounds 14 ounces, 65th percentile
48.2 cm head, 70th percentile

Both of the girls have RSV. Lovely. But Faith is pretty much over it and Lauren is on the downswing also. I knew they had it, because Michael and Faith both had it last year and I remember the crackling sound in the lungs. Lauren is the one I was worried about this time, because she is still so young. I thought about taking her to the doctor earlier in the week, but since her appointment was already scheduled for Thursday, I decided not to. She was eating well and sleeping well and was still happy, so I knew there wasn't anything they would do for her other than tell me what to watch for, and I already know. I wasn't going to waste the money on a co-pay to have them tell me again. Her cough is getting MUCH better, her ears look great, and the doctor said she's doing as well as any baby with RSV.


Mark and Emily said...

I love posts about the kiddos!

Connie said...

I'm glad that everyone is doing better. You are a good mommy.

Rachel said...

Bummer your girls have RSV. I'm glad it isn't too bad. This is our first winter without Kyla ending up with RSV and/or pneumonia. Hope they get better soon.

Hollie said...

I hope everyone is feeling better. It's no fun when the kiddos are sick.

Thank you so much for dropping that desk off. It's so cute, it will be just perfect in Urban's room. He loves it too. He immediately took his coloring book & crayons over to it and sat down to color.

Dennis and Calena said...

Hey Cami! I just noticed your comment on my blog. I saw your name and it looked so familiar so I looked you up :-) and found your blog, after seeing your picture, I totally remember you from the ward. Interesting the boys seem to be dealing with the same things. Did you do all the rounds with O.T.s and Early Intervention? I'm wondering if you have had success with anything? Please let me know, and I'll be sure to add you on so I can peak in at you too :-)! Glad you found my blog!!