Saturday, April 9, 2011

Shutdown Shmutdown

I just have to say, I don't understand why people were chanting "cut it or shut it." Seriously? You WANT to shut down the government? They must not realize that the things that would be shut down are those that actually MAKE money for the government, while the "essential" functions actually cost millions every day without any revenues made. I'm all for a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility, but the "cut it or shut it" thing just irritated me.

Besides, not that I have any problem with seniors getting their Social Security checks, but I'm just as concerned about families not getting any paychecks. Like mine. We would have been okay, actually - on an ultra-tight budget and not buying groceries (we do have food storage), but okay. But a lot of families I know would not be okay.

I guess in the end, this "close call" is a good motivator for us to manage our finances better and save up a little more. After all, they're gearing up for an even bigger fight in September.

So this week, I'm still not buying any groceries. I put our grocery money towards some debt. Maybe I should do that once a month or so just to have that little extra paid off that much quicker. We'll just eat out of our food storage for one week each month until we're done. It will help me rotate it, too! Look for future posts about how the kids like powdered milk, and powdered eggs and powdered butter. Should be good!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Yeah... powdered food... good, I'm sure. One of the things that irritated me about the possible shutdown, besides the tens of millions per day in revenue that would have been lost then the hundreds of millions in overtime pay to get rid of the backlog, is the rules during a shutdown. Feds who are furloughed can not take on another job - all outside employment must be approved through management, who would also have been furloughed. I can not even plan on working another job that I already have - I must report to work within four hours of congress reaching a deal. I also can not work for free (against the law during a shutdown), since I think getting my assignments complete is the ethical thing to do whether the idiots in Washington figure out a way to pay me for it or not. So pretty much all I could do was sit home and watch TV and hope money somehow materialized, probably through unemployment pay. The whole process is ridiculous.