Monday, May 16, 2011


This year we spent Easter morning at home. It was pretty low-key, with the Easter Bunny not doing much that was exciting. He (She) brought a DVD and couple small treats for each kid. Michael got Horton Hears a Who; Faith got Little Mermaid; Lauren got Springtime With Roo; and Jeff and I got Snow White. Yes, Jeff and I shared a basket. That's because it was a stressful weekend and Jeff didn't get out to perform his duty of filling my basket. He was thrilled to get Snow White. Haha.

Here are the kids in their Easter outfits. We found them at Costco, and Faith is in love with her polka-dot dress.Michael has been on a kick lately of sticking his tongue out for most photos. Faith had to stick hers out too, of course. She has obviously just finished eating her blue raspberry ring pop.
After church we went over to Jeff's parents' house for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. It was a lot of fun, but did I get photos? Nope.

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