Wednesday, March 23, 2011

growing up

All the kids have been growing so much. It's crazy how fast the time goes. Here's a quick update on them:

Michael: lost his first tooth on March 7. He was super excited. He told me earlier that day that his tooth was loose, and I wiggled it, but it didn't seem to be all that loose. I told him it would be at least a few more days before it fell out. But when I came home from running some errands, he excitedly showed me his new gap. I guess teeth don't really have to be that loose.

The tooth fairy brought him a dollar, which seems like a lot until you consider that most things have more than doubled in price since the tooth fairy visited me 25 years ago, so this is probably a much lower rate of inflation.Faith: has started calling herself a princess. She always tells me "I need a pink ____ because I'm a princess." Hmm. This is one of her "princess shirts." I love this one, because when she puts it on, she says, "This princess has my head!"
She likes to put her dolls down for naps and take pictures of them.
And then take pictures of herself.
She has been fully potty trained for a couple of months now. It's really nice to only have one kid in diapers.

Lauren: Jeff decided she was too old for a binky, so he put her down for a nap one day without one. She did fine, and we just never gave it back to her. A few days later, I took the kids down to Delta. I forgot her bottle and milk. The first night was rough while she tried to go to sleep, but once she did, she slept just fine. When we came back from Delta a couple of days later, I threw the bottle away and she's been great. I know, I should have gotten her off of it a long time ago.

She has also finally started walking!! It's so cute to see her toddle around and lose her balance. She isn't really stable yet, but she's getting better every day. I'll have to take a video one of these days.

She is getting so big. We moved her out of the high chair and into just a booster at the table. I think she likes that a lot. I took the saucer, the bouncer chair, the high chair, the play mat, the jumparoo, the music table, and the walker to Kid to Kid. Lately she wants to read books, play with dolls, and put all the headbands on her arm like bracelets and toddle around. Love her.


sevenpennys said...

you're kids are so cute! They are tons of fun :)

Lindsay said...

They are getting so big! Such cute pictures. Don't feel bad about the bottle, I think Mylee had one until she was 2... eek.