Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday

1. Primary in Delta. For two of the last three Sundays, Michael has gone to primary in my parents' ward. I've been amazed at how much he has learned. He was singing a new song, telling me stories from the scriptures, and even saying that he wants to bring scriptures to church.

2. Relief Society in Delta. Last Sunday we had a lesson that really affected me. It was from President Monson's talk "Be of Good Cheer." The feelings and impressions I had were not specifically related to what the class was talking about, but it motivated me to put a plan in place to overcome something that has been a real challenge for years. I'm still working on the plan, so no details yet. But soon... very soon. "The future is as bright as your faith."

3. The gym. I went last night for the first time since Lauren was born. And guess what - I had more endurance that I thought I would. Yay!! I've had a lot more energy lately, and I feel motivated to exercise and eat better. I actually WANT to exercise. That's a big change for me.

4. Rolls on Lauren's thighs - so cute.

5. My home. So it's old and doesn't have the best layout, but I do love our home. We're working on getting the basement insulated and sheetrocked - what a pain in the neck. But it will be nice to have that major project finished.


Hollie said...

I love baby rolls!

When do you usually go to the gym? I need somebody to go with. If I don't have someone to be accountable to I will NEVER go. Pathetic I know.

Cami said...

Hollie - the best time for me to go is usually after the kids go to bed, so 8:30ish, on weeknights. But once Lauren is 10 weeks old (old enough for the child care there) I'm going to try some classes. Yoga, maybe? If you want to come with, that would be fun - either to the classes or at night. I'd like to try zumba or hip hop, but I'm a lousy dancer and would probably spend most of the time rolling on the floor laughing at myself. I guess that's exercise too, though.