Wednesday, March 10, 2010

mais tcheu

Don't ask me why that phrase came into my head. It's a phrase they used in Cape Verde which means "more lots," which is obviously not grammatically correct in English. Actuallly, I don't think it's grammatically correct in the Cape Verdean creole, either.

Anyway, after I finished my blog post last night, I realized that I didn't write about one of the most exciting parts of the weekend. Michael ate cake! And ice cream! He only had one bite of cake, and gagged quite a bit, then later said he liked it and would eat more. Then on Monday, he ate one bite of chocolate ice cream (yes, my four-and-a-half-year-old has always refused to try ice cream). He said he liked it, but didn't want any more right then. But last night, he ate five bites of chocolate ice cream, and is going to try strawberry next.

He really is progressing. The biggest change we've seen is probably just his willingness to try new foods. We're still a long way from being able to set a peanut butter sandwich down in front of him and having him eat it, but we're very pleased with the progress he is making.


Malinda said...


Whitnie said...

Yay, Cami. I'm glad to hear that he's progressing. Mostly because I know it's a struggle for you. Your cakes were beautiful. That must be a fun talent for you.

Callie Hansen said...

YAY Michael!

Connie said...

Way to go Michael! Way to go mommy.

Becca said...

I love tiny victories that are such a big deal. And I love the nod to Cabo Verde! :-)