Friday, June 18, 2010

The skinny on boot camp... sort of

HA! I crack myself up with the bad puns I come up with for titles.

So boot camp is now halfway over, and I am really enjoying it. Okay, so I don't enjoy getting up at 5:30 to subject myself to voluntary torture. (Running backwards up a hill... 300 crunches after each workout... And the worst - pull-ups.) But I am really enjoying having more energy, and feeling stronger (I now have some muscles that are almost visible in my arms).

At my second weigh-in I had gained a pound. I was disappointed - especially after losing 2.5 pounds the first week - but Becky (the trainer) said it isn't unusual for women to gain weight at first, because they are building a lot of muscle they didn't have before. I was feeling better and my clothes were looser, so I didn't worry about it too much. And at my last weigh-in (yesterday), I had lost 4 pounds! Yay!!!! I've been working my tail off and following her diet (almost) perfectly, so it had better work. I totally fell off the wagon when we had Michael's family birthday party. I just like chocolate cake and chocolate icing and neopolitan ice cream too much to not have any. But to be fair, I had a lot less than I normally would have.

I feel like I'm eating all the time, but that's good, because just as one meal wears off, it's time to eat the next one - about every two hours. We're just really focusing on eating protein at every meal and limiting our sugars. Also, eating proper portion sizes. I knew that restaurant portion sizes are out of control, but seriously, one serving of pancake should be the size of a CD. Anyone eat at Jeremiahs? Yeah, theirs are a just a little bit bigger than that. And one of their omelets is three servings. *sigh* I love Jeremiahs breakfast. But even at half-price, I'm not sure it's worth buying an omelet to only eat a third of it.


Lindsay said...

Way to go Cami! I've done boot camp with Becky a few times.. I loved it. I love how you do something different everyday. I might have to do it again soon to try to rid myself of this baby weight =)

April said...

Cami, you are looking really great. I am so proud of you. Hard work pays off- especially when the jeans start to get loose- in my opinion, it's all about the jeans.

keep it up. Hopefully I can join you at the gym some day real soon.

Thank you for the fruit today. I devoured it.

Hollie said...

Good job, that is awesome! I am so impressed with you for doing it. I'm scared to try but have heard really great things so maybe I should.

Levi and Cynthia Wilde said...

Wow Cami! You're a trooper!

Julander Family said...

Way to go! I'm jealous, I can't wait to get back to the gym!