Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Developmental Stages

She is now 11 months old, and has figured out how to pull herself up to standing. It's still new to her, so she isn't great at it yet, but I'm sure that will come quickly. She has four teeth, and even though she knows how to crawl on all fours, she prefers her faster "army crawl."

She has been using the toilet like a champ for a couple of days now. I still put her in a pull-up at naptime and bedtime, but she usually wakes up dry. She is so proud of herself whenever she uses the toilet and gets excited to put a sticker on her chart. Of course, I catch her at random times putting stickers on her chart when she hasn't used the toilet, too.

Big news on the Michael front. As of November 1, he is only allowed to eat 2 "easy" foods a day. That means he can eat yogurt for breakfast (because just try to tell him he can't) and one other easy food. The rest of his food has to be "real," or foods that he has to chew. So far he's done spectacularly. Of course, it helps that we've planned our menu this week around foods he likes and can eat well. I'm loving not having to prepare a separate meal for him every time we eat.

The other day I was at Ross with the kids. I tried on a sweater, and Michael said he really, really liked it a lot, and I should get it. When I asked him why he liked it, he said, "Because it looks like Grandma Hansen." So I've become my mother, which is a developmental stage all kids go through as adults, right? And she has nice style, so that's okay. (I did buy the sweater, by the way.)


Whitnie said...

That's so funny. I heard so much about easy foods and real foods. It been the topic of many conversations in my car. Now everytime Michael gets in the car they have a discussion about what they have eaten for lunch and breakfast. It cracks me up.

Connie said...

So much for getting away from the MOM style. Funny stuff!!!!!!!! And that's so cool about Michael.