Sunday, January 2, 2011


Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not giving it.

That was a quote shared in our Relief Society lesson today. I like it.

Have you ever gotten a random thank-you note for something you didn't really realize you had done? Didn't it make your day?

I'm just going to write a few things that made me grateful today.

I'm thankful for April. She's a good, true friend who has her priorities in order and helps me to have mine in order too.

I'm thankful for the new sister in our ward. I can't remember her name, but when she bore her testimony in Relief Society today, she compared her conversion to searching for other people who tried to be a light, and her baptism to a reunion. Isn't that a beautiful analogy?

I'm thankful for Sister Doubleday. She's new in the ward, too, and I noticed that she signed up to help clean the building. She also helped take dinner to a family who just had a baby. I love that she is just jumping right in and getting involved - it's a good example.

I'm thankful for Rachel. I know she doesn't feel like she's on top of things, but she is seriously one of the best moms I know and one of my favorite people in the ward/neighborhood. I will really miss her if/when they sell their house. I love that she is so genuine and honest.

I'm thankful that I'm not the only one whose 1-year-old is still drinking from a bottle.

I'm thankful for the ladies on "widow row." They are such a great example of sisterhood and love.

I'm thankful for royal icing and all the awesome things you can do with it. (I'm doing a wedding cake later this week, and have been making the decorations for it - fun stuff.)

I'm thankful for old friends who find me on Facebook.

I'm thankful that Jeff loves me even when I'm not very lovable.

I'm thankful for the hymns. Today we sang two hymns that were very special to me as a missionary - There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today, and Teach Me to Walk in the Light. I always sing them in Portuguese in my head, because in some ways, that will always be the native language of my spirit.

I'm thankful for an empty sink and an empty dishwasher. Somehow having all the dishes done makes me feel so much calmer and more..... accomplished? I know, I'm weird.

What are you thankful for today?


aje said...

I'm grateful for you. You're awesome. :)

Connie said...

I am thankful for you and that you see so much good around you. I love that you want to learn new things and that you are aware of all the wonderful people in your ward. We all need to show more gratitude.

Hollie said...

I don't know if you meant me when you listed the bottle thing but that is so funny because I thought the same exact thing when I saw you feeding Lauren. My other 2 were done as soon as they turned one but I just have not been as on the ball this time around. I always leave it in the car when we go to church and tell myself that we are not going to use it unless we absolutely need to, but inevitably Jared always ends up going and getting it. Oh well!

I am very thankful for you and just about everyone else in our ward. I feel truly blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing people that I have the opportunity to learn from on a weekly basis.

Levi and Cynthia Wilde said...

That Relief Society lesson was super good. I'm very thankful I got to hear it.
I'm also thankful you shared your "thankful" automatically made me start thinking of my "thankful" list.

Rachel said...

You are sweet and made my day. If we move, I will miss you too. Maybe we can still put together a craft night each month or something like we talked about. I love your blog. I love that YOU are genuine. I really, really have a hard time with fake people. And you are the real deal, and I appreciate that. You are a leader and I look to you as an example in so many ways. Thank you for being positive and honest. :) (You are one of my favorite people in the ward too,but... shhhhh... don't tell.) :) Thanks for all that you do for me and for being a friend.

Lindsay said...

what a great post Cami. Such a great reminder of looking for all the things your thankful for on a daily basis.

The doubledays are renting out our home. Its good to know they are already a great asset to the ward! I sure do miss that ward.. so many wonderful people.