Monday, July 27, 2009

Change of Heart? ....

We haven't had much activity on our house. We've had some people come look at it, but no one has come for the last two weeks or so. We lowered the price a little bit, but still nothing. I'm not discouraged, though. In fact, I'm sort of glad. I've been having second thoughts about the whole thing.

I guess I'm just wondering if we are crazy for leaving a great neighborhood and a great ward to move to a bigger house with a higher house payment. I was sitting in Relief Society a couple of Sundays ago, and it just hit me how much I really do love our ward. The last few years have been challenging for me because of my calling. I did enjoy the Primary, but it was really a lot of stress, too. But honestly, any ward we live in, I'll get callings, and some of those will be very challenging.

Our house payment right now is manageable - even comfortable. We can afford our mortgage easily and still save quite a bit of money. We COULD afford more. But should we?

Our biggest complaints about our current house are 1) we don't have three bedrooms on the main floor; and 2) the lot is really small. But honestly, Jeff and I can move into the spare room in the basement and turn that into our master bedroom. The kids would all be upstairs, but that wouldn't be the end of the world. We'd have to do a lot of work to make the basement room nice (like larger windows, sheet rock instead of wood paneling, and a better shower in the bathroom), and that would be expensive. But it would be okay. Then Michael could stay in the room he's in right now, and we'd put the girls in our current room.

We can't do anything about the lot size, so that might still be an issue. We really don't like being quite so close to our neighbors. But we do have a nice yard with a garden.

I'd even be willing to replace our carport with a garage that has storage space above it. All of these things would cost quite a bit, yes. But it would still be cheaper than paying for them in the form of a higher mortgage that wouldn't be quite as comfortable for us, and wouldn't allow us as much leeway to save for emergencies or for other things we want to do.

Am I crazy? Am I just freaking out because I'm female and pregnant and subconsciously nervous about moving and starting over somewhere else? Or should I really be paying attention to this?


Callie Hansen said...

Pray, Pray, Pray.

Connie said...

Ditto to Callie's statement. Sounds like you are trying to talk yourself out of it. Really though, now is a great time to buy if you can sell yours. Who knows how the market will be the next time you're pregnant? Either way it'll all work out if you pray.

Mark and Emily said...

I feel the exact same way about our house. EASY, EASY payment, but it's small (only 1 bathroom) and could use some updating.
Make an actual list of the pros and cons...sometimes that helps (in addition to praying) :)

Elissa said...

I know how you feel. I dislike my house sometimes, but then think how nice it is to have a small mortgage payment. It is always a toss-up--how much money do you put into making it more like the house you want versus just starting over with something new, should you stay, should you go... Not knowing what you're supposed to do is probably the worst. I hope you get your answer soon. For my part, I'm going to be sad to see you guys move, so I would say stay. :)

Stephanie said...

I don't know exactly how you feel, but we've struggled with some similar decisions as we tried to figure out if we should sell or rent our house in Georgia and then whether we should buy or rent here in Utah. In the end, we did sell our house, but decided to rent here so that we can pay off our student loans as fast as possible. We were so tempted to buy with the home prices being low and not knowing how quickly they would rise in the future. But we both just felt that we needed to keep our expenses low so that we can save and get rid of all of our debt.

Our answers didn't come quickly or easily but as time passed this decision just felt right. In addition to prayer you might also ask Jeff for a blessing. Good luck with this VERY tough decision. I'll be thinking about and praying for you too. :)