Monday, July 20, 2009

You hurt your ankle HOW?

My husband is a gimp. He sprained his ankle last Thursday, and hasn't been able to get around well since. Yesterday, my grandparents lent him a pair of crutches, which has helped him get around. Except that he doesn't have much finesse with the crutches, and has had a hard time getting used to them.

Anyway, the cause of his sprain? He was weeding the garden. That's it. I don't know how he hurt himself weeding the garden, but he did. He was sitting cross-legged, and said that his ankle started to hurt, so he stood up to move around, and there you have it, a sprained ankle.

I told him he still doesn't get out of weeding the garden.


Mandi said...

maybe what caused the sprain will correct the sprain if done long enough - back to the garden with you, Jeff!

Shari said...

Speaking as someone who currently has a broken ankle, you can tell him that I feel for him, no matter how it happened. (That does sound pretty funny though)

Rachel said...

I hope it's not intrusive that I read your blog. I happened upon your blog link and was excited to read it. - Poor Jeff. Is it bad that I laughed a little? I hope it gets better soon. -Rachel Rounds