Monday, August 24, 2009


Today was Michael's first day back to school. He has one more year of pre-school before he starts kindergarten. This year, we're doing pre-school four days a week instead of two. He is SOOOOO excited. Here he is on his first day:
And here is the big bus he rides. He loves riding the bus.
Faith is learning the parts of her body. She now knows most of her facial features. Here she is showing us her tongue:Her favorite part is still her belly.
Yesterday I killed the biggest spider I've ever seen in my house. In my basement. I was totally freaked out when I saw it running across the floor. I hit it with a puzzle box, but it was still moving. So I hit it again. Then I picked it up with a LARGE wad of toilet paper and threw it in the toilet. Well guess what. The biggest spider I've ever seen wasn't dead. It started moving around and SWIMMING. I totally freaked out (again) and flushed the toilet. And you know what? It didn't go down! BAH!!! So I'm standing there flushing the toilet over and over until it didn't come back. Spiders don't really frighten me. But seriously, the only place I've ever seen a bigger spider was at THE ZOO!! It has made me re-think my plan to move our bedroom into the basement if we don't sell our house.

Jeff and I have finally agreed on a name for this new baby: Lauren Ann Sabin. Jeff's middle name is Loren, and mine is Ann, so we combined them. We both prefer the more feminine spelling of Lauren. We still have four months to go, but unless we find something that we both totally love more, her name will be Lauren.

Last month I did another wedding cake. It was for a friend of my cousin Amanda. They had a western theme, and wanted pink and green horseshoes on their cake. This was how it turned out:
They had a topper, and some flowers to put between the tiers, but they added those things after I delivered the cake. So I don't know how the final product turned out.


Rachel said...

Michael looks like such an old kid going to school. They are growing up too fast. Hey, do you still want to do joy school? -Rachel R.

Shelbee said...

(Random comment alert!)
Such cute pics of your kids!
I think you did a really good job on the wedding cake. Great rope border!
I hate finding big spiders in my house...I don't blame you for freaking out a little bit. I've been meaning to post a picture on my blog of a big spider I saw in my garden (thankfully).
Lauren Ann is a really nice name.

Malinda said...

I love the name and I'm impressed that you've already settled on something. Nate and I always had a hard time deciding.

I'm a complete wimp about spiders. I've trained up the kids on how to kill them so when Nate is at work I can still pass the buck. :)

aje said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! I loved this post. Michael is getting so big! What a cute kid. And Faith! Hehe. Love the belly picture.

What's this about not being afraid of spiders? Don't I recall something about a never-explored attic due to the little monsters??? :o) Just teasing. Big ones creep me out, too! I love Malinda's comment - my sister has trained her children to kill all spiders as well!!!

Love the cake. Pink and green horseshoes are an interesting choice, but carried out beautifully!

Cami said...

Audra - I'm not afraid of spiders from a distance, or even up close if there is only one (and it's small). But the idea of taking the cover off the opening to my attic and having them crawl out all over me was just too much.

Rod said...


I love you
PS> Mom says Happy B-Day too.

Mark and Emily said...

Cute, cute, kids.
Awesome name choice-love the combination of your middle names.
I HATE spiders of any size..let alone monster size ones!
I'm jealous of your cake decorating abilities- job well done.

Connie said...

I love the name you picked. It's beautiful.