Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. A night out with Jeff - with no kids! We went to see a move (The Proposal) for my birthday, and it was so nice to have a couple of hours without worrying about taking care of the kids.

2. Jeff's parents, for being willing to take the kids so that we could have the night out.

3. A savings account! We have been out of credit card debt for a couple of months now, and it has been nice to put money into savings and see it grow, and to know that if some emergency happens, we have at least a little bit set aside.

4. A little boy who is excited to go to school each day, but still excited to come home and see me.

5. A little girl who is learning so much every day. She is so independent and feisty, but it is so fun to see her personality develop.

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