Sunday, August 16, 2009

Someone teach that boy about modesty!

I had one of those embarrassing mom moments this weekend. We were at Bear Lake, and the bathroom was really far away. Michael said he needed to go potty. He had been previously taught by someone (Dad, I'm pretty sure that's YOU), that he could pee in the lake. So I told him to go in the lake. (Okay, so some of you are grossed out. Fish pee in there. Did you know that? And so do most kids, I'm thinking, and probably plenty of adults.) I mostly just didn't want to walk forever through sand to get to a stinky port-a-potty with a kid who was sure he needed to go RIGHT NOW!!! Anyway, the next thing I know, I'm looking at his little white bum with his swim trunks around his knees, standing at the edge of the water, doing his business. I yelled, "Michael!" And he turned around and said (with a hurt expression), "You said go potty in the lake!" He then ran back to me, with his shorts still around his knees. I was laughing so hard I couldn't even be mortified like a proper mother.

So the following day, we were at the lake again. He said he needed to go potty. I had talked to him and explained that in order to go potty in the lake, he needed to get his bum in the water. He could either sit down in the water or wade out far enough. He was NOT to pull his shorts down. He waded out pretty far. He kept looking down at his shorts to see if they were wet yet. When he got to where the water was about to the bottom of his bum, he pulled down the front of his trunks, got himself out, and did his thing.

HELP ME!!!!!


Connie said...

What exactly is a proper mother? BOYS, ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shelbee said...

Hahahahahahahahahaha! I'm sorry that I don't have any advice for you. I just thought you might like to know that I think it's hilarious. I obviously must not be a proper mother. Maybe it wouldn't be as hilarious if it was my own boy. Hey, at least you can tell he's listening to what you tell him!

Malinda said...

That is just plain funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Mark and Emily said...

Awesome! :)