Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Decade in Review

My sister did this on her blog, and it was fun to see how much really happened in the last 10 years. So here goes:

2000: Spent the entire year as a missionary in the Portugal Lisbon South Mission - four months in Setubal, four months in Cape Verde, and four months in Amora and Arrentela. Was companions with one of my all-time favorite people (Becca) and broke the mission rules and called home, because I had boils on my feet and couldn't walk and the area doctor was thousands of miles away in Germany and the doctor in Mindelo (Cape Verde) told me they might have to do surgery. Sometimes it's okay to call your mom.

2001: Came home from Portugal and moved in with my grandparents in Huntsville. Started working at the Best Western High Country Inn as a desk clerk, and started back at Weber State in the fall. Totaled my third car and bought a two-door Ford Escort.

2002: Left the hotel after the Winter Olympics, and started working at the IRS as a Tax Examiner. Moved with Callie into an apartment in Layton. Met/dated/broke up/dated again/got engaged to Jeff. Moved into a basement apartment by myself in Ogden. Graduated from Weber State University with a Bachelors Degree in Communication Studies and a minor in Latin American Studies.

2003: Married Jeff in April. Was furloughed from IRS, then called back, then furloughed, then called back.... Found that working opposite shifts was really hard. Quit working at the IRS and started the greatest job I ever had at the Church News in Salt Lake. Had our first Christmas together in our tiny basement apartment.

2004: Went to Yellowstone with Jeff's parents in January. Took a 2-week trip to Portugal in May, and learned that visiting the mission is better as a tourist. Also learned that it is possible to travel to Europe with only one backpack each, and Rick Steves writes amazing tour guide books. Bought our first home in Washington Terrace and was called to be the Relief Society President in our student ward. So glad that student wards don't have much in the way of funerals. Also found out we were expecting a baby.

2005: Remodeled the second upstairs bedroom for the baby. Started going to the Washington Terrace 2nd Ward. Michael was born in June. I quit my job and learned to be completely financially dependent on Jeff. Transition to stay-at-home motherhood was SOOOO hard, but definitely worth it. Sold my Ford Escort and bought my parents' Mercury Sable. Realized our toilet was sinking into the floor, which prompted a major remodel of the upstairs bathroom.

2006: Went to San Diego for our anniversary, where we happened to see the Oscar Mayer weiner-mobile, and on a dinner cruise at the Great Salt Lake for my birthday. Found out we were expecting again. Tori was stillborn, four months early, in October. Most spiritually challenging experience of my life to date. Learned that angels attend us, and pain fades over time. Started work at the Best Western again as a desk clerk, because I am a happier person when I have something outside of the house to do. Traded in the Sable and got a Chevy Malibu. Ripped out the breakfast bar and created a decent dining room. Was called as Second Counselor in the Primary, then as President.

2007: Went hiking in Southern Utah with Mom and Dad. Hope to go again someday. Found out we were expecting yet again. Spent the entire pregnancy paranoid until the 22-week mark had passed. Michael and I went with Mom to visit Mandi and her family in Dallas. Remodeled the basement bathroom, except the shower. Still have to do something about that.

2008: Faith tried jumping feet-first into the world in February, but the doctor felt it would be better to do a C-section. Got a promotion at work to Front Desk Manager. Took Faith to New York City with us in August and found that New Yorkers are among the nicest people on earth. Especially if you're holding a cute 6-month-old who coughs until you look at her and then breaks out in a darling grin. Went to a New York Giants game and learned to navigate the subway system with a stroller. Michael started pre-school. Took the kids to Quartzsite with Mom and Dad to visit my grandparents between Christmas and New Year's. Jeff ripped the carpet out of our bedroom and refinished the hardwood floors. Painted the kitchen.

2009: Found out we were expecting another girl. Put the house up for sale in hopes of moving into a bigger one. Painted the living room. Was released as Primary President. Went to Washington DC with Jeff (and no kids!!) in April. Michael started his second year of pre-school. Lauren was born December 1. Contract with the Realtor ended with the home unsold, so we started the refinance process and plan to stay, remodel the basement (including the shower in the bathroom), and make it work.

I'm sure there's a million other things that happened in the last 10 years, but these are the major highlights. I'm sure the next 10 years will bring even more exciting changes to our little family.


McBride Family said...

that was fun to read - it's always fun to look back and see where our lives have taken us and how we have grown and changed and been challenged and blessed. i might have to do this too!

John and Sherri said...

I love it! I may have to copy- fun to remember and write down memories.

Rachel said...

I loved this post. What a fun recap. I might have to copy you

Hollie said...

This is such a great idea. Sounds like you've done a lot of amazing things in the past decade.

Dane and Natalie said...

Wow! It has been soooo long. I have thought about you and wondered where you were and what you were doing. Thanks to your awesome post, it sums it up right there for me! So where are you living now? We just moved back to Utah & we live in Herriman now. It was so good to catch up! I will have to add you to my list!

Elissa said...

good idea...i did this in my journal for about six pages and maybe I'll put some on my blog too. It's crazy how life changes in 10 years!