Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday

1. Couch to 5K. Yes, even though I hate running, I'm thankful that someone has come up with a way to make getting in shape a little more tolerable. I've just started week 3, and it's going pretty well.

2. Michael ate a banana! Just peeled it and took bites. He's never done that before. We talked about cutting it up into chunks instead of smashing it with a fork, and so he ate one banana that way. Then he decided he would try to eat one "like a monkey." He only took a few bites, but we're still proud of him. And he's agreed to eat more bananas like that.

3. Bountiful Baskets. I know I've mentioned this way too many times, but seriously, since we've been getting the baskets, we've been eating healthier and saving a lot of money.

4. That we're having a yard sale on May 1. I am SO ready to get rid of all this stuff stacked all over in my house. By the way, anyone who would like to come sell your stuff, we're starting at 8 am on May 1. Come over early to set your stuff up, and mark it with your last name and the price. And if you don't have stuff to sell, come buy mine! :-)

5. Flowers. Our grape hyacinths are blooming, the tulips are just about to, the lilies are growing, the periwinkle has flowered and is spreading, the lilacs are showing buds, and on and on. I love this time of year. I think April and May are my favorite months.

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