Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thankful Thursday

1. I'm thankful for the lock on the bathroom door.
2. I'm thankful that the key to said lock is out of reach of little hands.
3. I'm thankful for naptime.
4. I'm thankful for movies that entertain Michael during naptime.
5. I'm thankful that after putting the kids in the van and closing the door, I can walk around the long way and get just that much more silence.

It's been one of those days. Can you tell?


April said...

sounds like every day for me. I don't know what I would do without kid movies right now in my life.

So I am guessing the bathroom was your getaway spot today? Cami, if you ever need to "get away" just call- you can drop the kids off at my house.

Do you want to go to the temple any time soon? I would love to help out.

Mark and Emily said...

I SOOOOO know those days and I only have one kiddo currently! I'm dreading the adjustment of having two. I feel ya, though.

Julander Family said...

I'm thankful that there are other moms that are thankful for those things!!! ;) I feel ya Cami!