Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sample Workout

I've had a lot of people ask me what we do at boot camp. The new session started today, so I figured I'd write down our workout so you (whoever "you" might be) could see.

Today Becky had eight stations set up. We spent three minutes at each station, repeating each thing as many times as we could in the three minutes.

1. Rotate between 10 double-unders (jump rope) and 15 push-ups.
2. Rotate between 30 bench presses and jumping up a set of stairs two at a time.
3. Harness sprints.
4. Rotate between 15 platform jumps and overhead tricep presses.

Then we ran 3 laps, which is about a third of a mile. Then back to the stations:

5. Shuffle down the basketball court and back, throwing an 8-pound ball back and forth to a partner. Repeat that three times, then do 15 push-ups.
6. Throw a 15-pound ball as far as you can, long jump to the ball, then drop and do a push-up. Repeat that down the length of the basketball court.
7. Holding a 10-pound weight, do 20 step-ups on each leg on the bleachers, then 30 tricep dips.
8. Holding a 15-pound weight, long jump the length of the court, then lunge back while holding the weight above your head.

We ran 3 more laps. Then we did our ab workout, which today consisted of 4 sets of 20 full sit-ups and 20 reverse crunches, holding a weight.

We have three workouts a week, for eight weeks. Becky sets up a different workout for each time, so we never repeat the exact same one. I was worried that after two weeks off, I'd have a hard time getting through the workout, but it wasn't bad at all. I felt really good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds awesome! I wish there were some way it would work with my schedule...