Sunday, January 23, 2011

exciting news

Lots of exciting news around our house. First is that Jeff is almost finished with the sheetrock! Yay!! He actually thought he WAS done, but then realized that he didn't finish all of it around the window. So he has a few more hours of work to do this week before exciting news number two comes.

Which is, that the mudding and taping will happen starting on the 31st! I'm thrilled that we are finally to this point. I am SO tired of remodeling. The contractor said it will take about 4 days. Then we can prime, paint, hang crown moulding, install carpeting, install the other trim, and move the furniture back in. My goal is to have the family room finished and functioning by Valentine's Day. Of course, the original goal was Halloween, so my goals are usually pretty flexible.

Exciting news number three is that Lauren is starting to stand on her own. Today she stood up in the middle of the floor all by herself, and balanced on her own (while drinking out of a sippy cup, no less), for about 10 seconds before she lost her balance. She'll be walking very soon.

Exciting news number four is that I did 39 push-ups in one minute. I'm quite proud of myself, especially since Jeff could *only* do 36. And yes, these were "real" push-ups, on my toes.

And exciting news number five is that I followed a prompting and just might have set up a part-time job during the summer helping a lady do wedding cakes. More about it later. I'm seriously falling asleep as I type.


sevenpennys said...

I'm so glad that everything's getting done! It's so nice when you finish a project. That's great that Lauren can stand up! And that you can do so many push ups :) Great work!!

Levi and Cynthia Wilde said...

39 pushups! Holy Cow! I don't even think I can do one "real" one!

Rachel said...

Thanks again for having my girls over to play. They really liked that. -isn't home repair just exhausting. Good luck. -Ryan and I had a whole conversation about being impressed with your push up amount and about how great you look. :) -And lastly, congrats on the cake thing. That will be great.