Friday, September 12, 2008

Conversations with Michael

Me: Look, Michael, there's an airplane.
Michael: Yeah, there is a airplane. Somebody is flying?
Me: Yup, somebody is flying.
Michael: They have shoes on?

Michael: The black truck is gone. (Our neighbor across the street drives a black SUV.)
Me: It is gone. He isn't home.
Michael: He went to work?
Me: I don't know. Maybe.
Michael: He not at work. He went to JoAnn.

Me: Michael, you get to go to the zoo with your preschool. Won't that be fun?
Michael: Yeah, that be fun.
Me: You'll get to see zebras and crocodiles and elephants and tigers....
Michael: And ducks!!

And I overheard him singing:

Monkey in the tree top,
Swinging with ease.
Scratching his back
And picking at fleas.
Eating bananas
While he swings by his knees.
We are a happy family.

Apparently, he combined two songs that he often sings ("Monkey in the Tree Top," and "We are a Happy Family") into one new one.

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