Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thankful Thursday

  • Food storage. Okay, so we haven't had to actually USE our food storage, but I'm grateful for the peace of mind that comes with knowing it's there. I don't have a full year's worth yet, but we're working on it.
  • Free food storage. Even better! This week Jeff and I have been canning up a storm - salsa, pear sauce, peaches, and still to come, applesauce and more peaches and more salsa. Now, I know you can't live on salsa, but you have to admit, it can make rice and beans quite a bit tastier. We're also drying plums and freezing corn. Anyway, we were fortunate to get peaches and corn from Grandma and Grandpa, plums and tomatoes from Richard and Anna (Jeff's parents), pears from Jodi, and apples from a family in our ward. It's a lot of work to prepare it and can it and all that, but it's kind of fun. And then there's that whole peace-of-mind thing that comes from knowing it's there....
  • Reduced-price food storage. Is this getting a little repetitive? I've been able to get some group rates on some items, which is really nice. And the case lot sales are great.
  • This website is AWESOME!!! Thanks, April, for turning me onto it. It tells you where the best deals are for groceries or anything else. It tells you how to use your Sunday coupons to get even better deals. All very good for food storage, or whatever.
  • Nap time. No, not my own nap time (I wish!!!), but Faith's nap time. I got lots of pear sauce made while she was snoozing today, and Michael was actually pretty helpful. He loves to help.
Okay, so can anyone guess where my focus has been lately? Did I hear you say Food storage? DING DING DING DING DING!!!!! All this freakishness that is happening with the economy is making me realize how wise the prophet's counsel is - get out of debt and get your food storage. We're still working on the debt part, and the food storage part. But at least we're making progress. I'm currently brainstorming creative (but legal and ethical) ways to make money and pay off our debt faster. Any wise ideas out there?

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