Friday, February 13, 2009

The Crud

My kiddos have RSV. Both of them. They've been congested and coughing a lot for a few days, but a couple days ago, I heard Faith making a crackling noise under her breath when she breathed out. So I took them both to the doctor yesterday. Fortunately, they're both about three days in to a five-day illness, and neither one is serious. They're both getting enough oxygen to their blood. The doctor said just to run the humidifier all the time, and as long as they seem happy and are eating okay, they'll be fine. She told me some things to watch for with Faith and her breathing, and said to keep them both away from other kids for a few more days. So, sorry Callie, but it will be a little while longer before we can come see your new addition. But I'm sure you'll agree it's better this way.


Connie said...

Get well really soon all of you. love, MOM

Callie Hansen said...

It's ok. Get those poor kids better. I'm sorry they are sick. No fun... Love, Callie