Thursday, March 12, 2009

Progress Report

I just wanted to post an update on Michael's feeding progress. It's slow, but there IS progress, and we're really proud of him.

His diet is mostly fruit these days. Bananas, apricots, pineapple, applesauce, and peaches. The only vegetables he eats are squash and sweet potatoes. We've started adding brown rice protein to some of his foods, and hopefully that is helping him to get a little more balance in his diet. I also sneak rice cereal into his applesauce in an effort to get him some more grains.

He really likes hot dogs and chicken, although we have to chop it up into pieces so small that they are unrecognizable as hot dogs or chicken. It's hard for him to eat it, but he does like the flavor.

He will eat those freeze-dried apples, strawberries, and bananas. And he has also started eating some of the Gerber veggie puffs again. He used to eat those things, but then for a long time he has refused. So we're glad he started again.

And today when he got home from pre-school, there was a note from his teacher in his bag that said, "Michael bit and chewed and swallowed pieces of graham cracker today."

YAY!!!! We're hoping to reinforce his progress. We tell him we are so proud of him, and to be honest, I think that's the best motivator we've found so far.


Callie Hansen said...

YAY Michael!!! Wonderful!

Connie said...

yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. Love, GMA