Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So the dishwasher is not as quiet as I had hoped. I used the delay start function the other night, and it woke me up when it started. And I lay there and listened to it for a couple of hours. Grrr. There isn't much insulation on the dishwasher, though, so I think we're going to take it out and put better insulation around it. Hopefully that will help.

Michael is just about ready to give up diapers forever (YAY!!!). He has woken up dry for the past several mornings, and the last two nights, he has even woken up in the middle of the night, gone to the bathroom, and gone back to bed - without coming into our room (very important). I am hoping that we have purchased our last box of Pull-Ups. He's been wearing underwear during the day for about a year now, but nighttime is harder. I told him today that if he can keep waking up dry, he can start sleeping in his underwear. He is very excited about that. And so am I.

1 comment:

Connie said...

Good job Michael. That is a huge milestone. Good job Cami and Jeff. Love, MOM