Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Big Official Announcement

Since most of you already know, and since I went to the doctor today, I'll just make it official: I am pregnant. I am 9 weeks along, due December 8, but since I have to have a C-section, we will schedule it for either November 30 or December 1. That's the plan, anyway.

To answer your inevitable questions:

No, this was not planned.

Jeff is excited. I, on the other hand, am still getting there. I was sort of planning for a few more months of non-pregnancy.

I'm not really sick, but I am SO tired. And it is hard to find something that sounds good to eat. Although once I do, I eat a LOT of it.

I think it's a boy. I think that, because I never really was sick with Michael, but with both of my girls, I was very sick. And I'm craving veggies and fruits rather than French fries and ice cream. Why do girls make me crave bad things?

Yes, this is part of the reason that we are getting our house sold (soon, hopefully).

Yes, we will be "upgrading" (if you can call it that) to a minivan or SUV.

Did I miss anything?


Jeff said...

And it is definitely not twins - or so Cami tells me after going to the doctor.

Shelbee said...

Congratulations! I'm glad you're not feeling too sick. That would be horrible for you!

Mark and Emily said...

Wow...congratulations! :)

Elissa said...

well congratulations!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Good luck on selling your house. We need to get together sometime now that I'm not soo far away. :)