Yes, I'm 32 today. Here is a long post, "32 random things about me." Some of them are common knowledge. Others, you might be surprised....
1. I have to be in a really particular mood to enjoy music. Usually, I just prefer silence.
2. Unless, of course, it's Faith singing. I'm always in the mood to hear that.
3. I don't really ever want a pet. And then I see how much Michael wants a dog. It almost makes me change my mind. Almost.
4. I really just don't want an indoor pet - pet hair, pet smell, pet slobber... on my couch, in my laundry, in my food.... uh, no thanks.
5. I once had my belly button pierced. It only lasted a couple of months.
6. I also once had seven holes in my ears. Now I just have one in each ear.
7. I have a hard time delegating.
8. I've had two minor surgeries - one to remove a piece of glass from my finger, and one to have a keloid scar removed from my earlobe. But I can't remember which earlobe.
9. I've totaled three cars.
10. But I haven't had an accident or ticket or anything since August of 2001.
11. I have secret dreams of being a writer.
12. I would also love to own a cabin at Bear Lake.
13. I'm not a natural-born mom. Being a good mom is a huge challenge for me.
14. I love, love, love to teach.
15. I'm not a very good party planner.
16. When I start a new hobby, I have to have EVERYTHING for it. For example, I have every size and type of crochet hook possible. Same with knitting needles. And I don't even knit. I just started learning once and went a little overboard. You should see my cake decorating closet.
17. I am hatching a plan to rent a booth at Quilted Bear.
18. I'm not very creative. I can copy anything, but I don't come up with many good original ideas.
19. I went parasailing in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. I would do it again in a heartbeat - even over Pineview. But especially in Mexico.
20. I also did the Sky Coaster at Lagoon. It was awesome, but I think the friend I did it with has permanent hearing loss from my screaming.
21. My passport is expired, but I really want to renew it.
22. I don't care how much debt I go into - when they build a temple in Cape Verde, I am going to be there.
23. I think computer games are the biggest waste of time e.v.e.r.
24. But I still spend plenty of time on the computer - just not playing pointless games. I do important things like check e-mail and facebook and blogs.
25. I had a facial for the first time yesterday. It was nice. Really nice. I almost fell asleep.
26. I don't get much sleep at night; therefore, anytime I lie down for more than 5 minutes, I just might fall asleep.
27. My dream job would be editing a magazine or newspaper.
28. I have a weakness for Reese's. And Hershey's Special Dark chocolate. And Whoppers. And Utah Truffles (the mint ones). And cinnamon bears. And licorice. Okay, just sugar in general.
29. I once botched what would have been a super-cool video of my dad doing an endo on the Lochsa River. Just as he started tipping over, I swore and put the camera down.
30. I can tie knots like nobody's business. You name the knot, I can probably tie it. And faster and better than you can.
31. I inherited my dad's ability to pack. That's a good thing - no wasted space.
32. I have a hard time coming up with 32 things about me.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
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:) that was interesting Cami!! Fun to learn a little bit more about you. I totally agree with the "pet in the house thing" and way to go on not having a ticket in like forever!
that was definitely interesting! Happy Birthday!! I hope that you have a good one!
haha! I loved this post. It is fun learning new things about you. And you make a terrific Mom! If it's a challenge, then you sure make it look easy - because it looks like it comes natural!
p.s. One of these days I am going to make you get on the Skycoaster with me!! (I don't care if you scream!) :)
That was awesome. I think you and Dad should have a contest with the knots. I'm naughty but not nautical. HEE, HEE!!! Oh, and I think we all have to work at being good mommies. It's a tough job. Hope you continue to have a great Bday. Love ya.
Apparently I can't spell naughtical right either. Did I now?
What a good idea! It's awesome that you were able to think of 32 things. I'm not sure if I'd be able to do that about myself. It would take me FOREVER.
PS..if you really have a cake decorating closet, I'm jealous. I only wish I had enough space in my house to have a closet dedicated to my cake decorating stuff. A whole room would be even better. And then another one for sewing and maybe one for scrapbooking...I think I have issues.
So it turns out that we have a lot in common. I would love to be a writer and my dream job is the same as yours. There's lots more similarities too.
This was fun to read. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Cute idea...
you should tell someone at the Standard to hire you. They could really use an editor who could edit. :) And I love that you love sugar. So do I. I feel guilty about it all the time, but it doesn't really stop me from eating it. I loved reading your list!
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