Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life Lessons

Some are learned the hard way, others, not so hard
  • Snorting while you have raspberries in your mouth never results in a pleasant experience (this one was actually Michael's lesson today).
  • Whoever said, "Love means never having to say you're sorry," never had a real relationship.
  • No matter how carefully and attentively you watch your children, at some point they will fall down the stairs, draw on the walls and/or floor, and get outside without you knowing about it.
  • Putting your hair in a ponytail is not the same as taking a shower.
  • Your husband will never have the same idea of "clean" as you do. Never.
  • You should thank him for cleaning anyway.
  • Sometimes, taking a nap is more productive than cleaning the house.
  • You get what you pay for.
  • Whoever said, "There is no sting in death," never lost a child.
  • Maybe they did. If they did, they are a lot stronger than I am.
  • When your three-year-old is having a meltdown, a hug is more effective than a time-out.
  • Don't mess with nap time.
  • No matter how much you hate the mess she makes, you have to let the one-year-old feed herself.
  • When your husband says you're beautiful, don't argue.
  • He really does think you're beautiful.
  • But he probably wishes your hair wasn't always in a ponytail.


aje said...

Cute post. Enjoyed it immensely. :o) Hope all is well.

Callie Hansen said...

I've learned some of those lessons, with many more to come. But I pray I don't have to learn them all the hard way. Love you!

Shelbee said...

Amen! I couldn't have said it better!

Mark and Emily said...

Great post! You are a wise sage...

sevenpennys said...

Yeah, my hair is always in a ponytail....just how it works sometimes ;) life lessons are the funnest... :P