Wednesday, September 15, 2010

sock puppets

Jeff decided he wanted to make sock puppets with the kids. He decided to tie it in with Family Home Evening, so he talked about making choices, and how we can choose what we do. But puppets can't choose - they can only do what the hand makes them do. So we should make good choices and not just do what others tell us. (I guess that's what the point was. The real point for Jeff was making the puppets.) The kids LOVED it. In case you can't tell, Faith's is a bug, Michael's is a monkey, and Jeff's is a hairy cow.


Rachel said...

You guys are cute.

Callie Hansen said...

I just love how Faith's nose is crinkled in every smile :) Great idea on the sock puppets. I should try that. Averie would love it., not so much :)

Connie said...

Great idea. Jeff you are such a good daddy.

sevenpennys said...

cute! I love it!

Levi and Cynthia Wilde said...

How cute! What a good FHE idea. I'm gonna try real real hard to remember that so I can do that with my kids!