Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I've had mommy issues lately. In fact, I've been telling people that I'm pretty sure I wasn't meant to be a mom at all. And I'm almost positive that I wasn't meant to be a mom to boys. My poor kids. I don't think I'd want me for a mom.

But I'm sure my problems are really more about my attitude than they are about my kids. So I've decided to change my attitude and see what happens.

Today, I will not expect the 2-year-old to stay out of anything that is within her reach. And I'll try harder to keep the markers and other writing tools out of her reach so that she doesn't write on my chairs anymore.

Today, I will listen to Michael when he's talking. The whole time.

Today, I will not yell. I will use nice words like I tell my kids to do.

Today, I might not get the dishes done. And I will not get angry with anyone else because my sink is full of dirty dishes. (That doesn't mean, however, that I won't ask you to do them, Jeff.)

Today, I am choosing to be a better mom. Because my kids deserve it, and because although I still sort of think I wasn't meant to be a mom, I am a mom. And I'm going to be a mom for the rest of my life. So I might as well be a happier mom.

Because if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.


Hollie said...

Emily and I were just talking yesterday about how true it is that the mom sets the mood in the home. When I'm grumpy & cranky & ornery, so is EVERYBODY else! Does this stop me from acting that way? Unfortunately that would be a big fat NO! I'm not sure I was meant to be a mother either...or a wife for that matter. I'm not sure why my family puts up with me but I sure am glad they do. I've really been trying to work on this lately. I have my good and bad days but at least we're trying right? I'm sure I could put quite a bit more effort into it though. =)

April said...

um...I make promises like that every day and hardly do I ever come through.

I noticed that prayer and scripture study before the kids wake up tend to calm me and helps me put things into perspective- not ever a perfect day- but better.

I just need A.D.D medicine I think. I am so scattered brained and can hardly concentrate and I lose focus on what is really important. I have so many little things that need to be done and someone is always fighting, crying, needing something, destroying something and I go crazy- I feel like I run circles all day. It is so so easy for me to put the kids in front of a TV so I can breathe. But the minute they start to watch a movie, I feel guilty. But again, prayer and scriptures- that little moment of looking at the bigger picture, helps me.

I don't think I was meant to be a mom either. I royally suck at it. Well I don't suck at it, I have my good moments- but at least I keep on trying. I always say, well I can try again tomorrow.

Finally today I just dropped trying to get anything accomplished and we went outside and read books together. Only lasted a little while because there was a bee and Xander was of course upset- but it felt good to be in the sun and to be with my girls.

I always pray, "please Heavenly Father, I can only do this at 5% today, I'm horrible at this mother thing- I need your 95%." who knows I am probably barely reaching 1% most days.

This is how I look at it: At least I am not addicted to meth or at least they aren't in some crazy foster home- they are blessed to be in our home despite the yelling and unstableness of it here- and thank goodness I drag them to church every Sunday- my girls know there is a God. So- its going to be ok- but I would still LOVE to take parenting classes if I could.

Love you Cami. Thanks for this post today. Needed it. It was a bad mommy day.

Rachel said...

You are a great mom. I find it funny that you reference from time to time that you aren't cut out to be a mom because you really are a good mom. If you are a bad mom then I must be a TERRIBLE mom!!! I discovered the other day that kids in general drive me sort of crazy. If that isn't bad news for being a mom, I don't know what is. I think we all sell ourselves a little short. You are great Cami!!

Callie Hansen said...

I don't think it's easy for every(any)one. Each day is a fresh start and the blessings from each child far outweigh the trials. I aspire to your greatness and patience, Cami. I love you.

Malinda said...

I feel the same way lots of days. Sometimes I think that I expect more out of my kids than I expect out of myself. :) I think I was meant to be a mom to babies. I'm good at that part. But, kids grow up so I guess I need to figure out this part too. Hopefully they won't have too many horror stories to tell their shrinks when they are adults.

Jeff said...

I wouldn't want you to be my mom. But that's just because I love having you as a wife so much :) The mom thing would just be weird.

Connie said...

You are a great mom. I know that each generation has improved upon the last one. You have been given many challenges with Michael and you have tried your best to help him. We just need to remember that these are God's children too and we need to see them as he does. It's hard, but I know you can do it. Like I said, my children are a great improvement on their parents. You truly are an awesome mommy.