Saturday, January 24, 2009

The "Birthday" Boy

Michael is four today. Not really, but we're telling him he is. That's because he's been telling us for a long time that he'd eat "real food" when he's four. So yesterday, Jeff told him he'd be four today, and what real food did he want to eat first? He chose "arizagna," which we're guessing is lasagna. He and Jeff went and bought a frozen lasagna last night and we will cook it today, and Michael will eat three bites.

At breakfast today, he chose apricots as his "real food." He ate two bites of bottled apricots without fussing about it. He didn't want to at first, but then he said that he "kind of likes" apricots. After his first bite of apricots, we let him eat his baby food. He had three jars there. I was telling him that since he's four now, we can't buy baby food anymore. I explained that it is a rule. He can still eat the food we already have, but when it's gone, we can't buy any more. He thought about that for a minute, then gave me back one jar of food and said he wanted to save it. This could drag out for a while.


Mandi said...

Happy Birthday, Michael! I hope you LOVE lasagna! And good luck, Cami and Jeff!

Connie said...

That is an answer to my prayers. Keep up the good work parents. Michael, I love apricots and lasagne too. I think you need to eat a few bites for Gma too. Love, Gma

sevenpennys said...

I hope that it goes well! Good Luck!!!

Elissa said...

You go girl! It sounds like it's working. I just laughed at picturing Michael saving his jar for later. What a cute kid he is!

Oh and I didn't know you had a blog either, but I'm glad I found it :)