Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Shopping shocker

Do you have any idea how much food you can buy with $100, when you aren't spending any of it on baby food? I had forgotten.

So Michael has eaten oatmeal twice now, and today he is going to try some pudding. I know, pudding may not classify as "real food" to many of you, but it isn't lumpy, and it isn't baby food, and it's something he's never eaten before. Jeff and I are thinking that when we have Faith's first birthday party in a couple of weeks, Michael might actually eat ice cream!!! Our hopes aren't quite as high as cake, but ice cream would be nice.

1 comment:

aje said...

Congratulations to all of you! And most especially to Michael! That is great that he is so willing to try new food now that he is "four"! I hope and pray that it continues. I'm so proud of all of you!
You both are such great parents with so much patience. Keep your hopes high and celebrate each success! I'm glad this is moving in a positive direction...