Sunday, April 19, 2009

Feeding the Ducks

We went to Beus Pond today after church and fed the ducks. It was fun. Michael was really cute. He kept telling the ducks where the bread was. Listen in the video, and you'll hear him say it. He was fun to watch.

And a photo. Michael has really loved swimming at the OAC, and he recently got some goggles so he can "go under water." He was SOOOOO excited to wear them to the pool for the first time. He insisted on wearing them all the way to the gym. Some of the looks we got from people on the way into the gym were hilarious. Most of them seemed amused by the excitement of a 3-year-old wearing goggles for his first time.

Isn't that photo hilarious? It's one of my favorites.

1 comment:

Callie Hansen said...

HAHA! Love the goggle picture! He's so much fun!