Thursday, April 30, 2009

Someone Needs a Time-Out

Remember that line from the Ikea commercial? The lady says that to her two fighting children, and then she walks into this beautiful, clean, peaceful, quiet room and gives herself a time-out.

That's what I need today.

Faith hasn't stopped crying/whining since she got up this morning (at 6:30ish). Finally, she is taking her morning nap. And Michael is whiny too. He wants to wear THAT shirt (which is dirty, so we're doing laundry), and he doesn't want to eat THAT by himself, and he doesn't want to go to pre-school today, and he doesn't want THAT cup to drink out of, and WHY can't he jump on the bed while I'm folding the laundry?

Finally I left my two whining children and went into my room and shut the door. Although I do think my room is beautiful (mostly), it is, however, neither clean, peaceful, or quiet. My bed is piled with laundry to fold, and my kids come bang on the door (unlike the commercial).

Anyone want a couple of kiddos for the day?


Elissa said...

uh-oh, it looks like you don't have any takers. I'm sorry it's such a rotten day--hope it's getting better!

Connie said...

If you were closer!!!!!!!!! Love, MOM