Saturday, October 3, 2009

Irritation of the day

I love it when guests know better than I do what I said to them. Case in point:

Guest: You said there was an elevator. We can't find it.

Me: No, there is no elevator.

Guest: Well, you said there was. My wife was just in here and you told her there was an elevator over there somewhere and we can't find it.

Me: I'm sorry, there must have been a misunderstanding. We don't have an elevator. There are stairs over there, but no elevator.

Guest: Then why did you tell her there was an elevator?

AUGH!!! For crying out loud. Would I really tell someone we have an elevator when we don't? What better way to tick someone off than tell them we have something that we don't! And how do you know what I told her, buddy, you weren't in here with her!

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