Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. A clean kitchen!! We've been doing applesauce and pear sauce for about a week now, and finally, we're done. Phew! I put away the canning stuff today, and it's very nice to see my counter tops again.

2. Full food storage shelves. I mean, full. I'm not sure I could fit one more quart of anything in there. Good thing I didn't do tomatoes or salsa or pickles this year.

3. Michael's helpfulness. He was really good about helping me unload all those food storage shelves and reorganize them so everything would fit. And he loves helping to cook dinner, clean the house, do the laundry, rake the leaves, anything. Hopefully that helpfulness will last through his teenage years....

4. Jeff's helpfulness. He's worked some long hours lately, and it's been really stressful for him at work. Even so, he comes home and helps me make applesauce or whatever I need him to do. I REALLY appreciate it.

5. No more rashes!! Once Faith's rash finally went away, Michael came out with one. Lovely. But now they are both cleared up, and all is well. We're all healthy, which seems a little unusual with all the sickies around us. It seems like EVERYONE is sick or has someone sick in their family. We've been really lucky so far.

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