Sunday, July 6, 2008

Poor Jeff....

Jeff has been pretty sick the last couple of days. I don't know exactly what's wrong, because I can't get him to talk to me coherently enough to understand. But I do know that he's congested and has a low fever, and his back hurts. This is kind of mean (sorry, Sweetie), but it's kind of funny to see him try to walk when he first gets up off the bed or the couch. He is stiff, and he kind of sticks out his chest a little bit, which makes it look like he's sticking out his rear, which makes me think of the chicken dance. I hope he doesn't kill me for saying that. If you call me and Jeff answers and mysteriously doesn't know where I am, be worried. :)


Mandi said...

Aaawww ... poor Jeffrey. I hope he chicken dances himself better soon.

Love you!

Callie Hansen said...

Do you think we can get Jeff to demonstrate this on the family campout next weekend? :)