Sunday, January 25, 2009

Progress Report

Can I just tell you, I am so so SO proud of my little boy. He has had "real food" at every meal since he "turned four." Yesterday he had apricots and bananas. And today he had apricots, squash (mashed with a fork instead of pureed with water), raspberries, and...... sloppy joes! Can you believe it? He didn't actually eat a sloppy joe with a bun or anything, but he did take six bites of sloppy joe slop (I don't know what else to call it). It was lumpy and thick, and he puked once on his third bite, but then he ate three more bites after that, and did so well!!! He resists trying the new foods, but once he takes that first bite, he does awesome. I can't even express what a blessing this is for us. We still have a long, long way to go, but it is HUGE that he is taking these small steps.

In other progress, our bedroom has now been painted. Tomorrow I will buy the new trim and hopefully paint it, then install it on Tuesday, maybe? Then we can move our stuff back in and get the dressers out of the living room and the dining room, and the bed out of the basement. Although, I must admit I kind of like sleeping in the basement - when Faith cries, I don't hear her as well, so I sleep a lot better. Yesterday morning I didn't wake up until 8:30. I don't know how long it's been since I slept until 8:30. It was heavenly.

I was talking on the phone with Mom yesterday, telling her about painting the bedroom and stuff. After I got off the phone, Jeff pointed out that whenever I talked about something Jeff had done, I said, "We did..." And when it was something I had done, I said, "I did..." He was laughing about it, but to give proper credit to Jeff, here's the true story:

What Jeff did:
  • took the wallpaper off
  • washed the walls
  • painted the ceiling and walls
What I did:
  • patched the holes
  • sanded the patches
  • painted some of the corners and edges
What we both did:
  • moved furniture
  • watched the kids while the other was working
There, Sweetie, do you feel better?


Callie Hansen said...

This makes me cry! GOOD JOB Michael! :) What a great "4 year old"!!! Good job both of you.

OH and Jeff, I do the same thing when I talk about what Gary did. I'll have to watch myself from now on.

April said...

YEAH Michael!!!!!! I am very happy for you guys. What amazing parents you guys are-

Wow Jeff actually helps do some of the work???? oh well I only talk to Cami so I just figured she did it all....

just joking- good job both of you- but you repainted over that cute green? I loved your green and white bathroom.

Connie said...

Michael you are awesome. Cami and Jeff you are amazing. Keep up the good work and don't back down. If he'll eat meat even sloppy meat you've certainly come a long way.

It sounds like you and Jeff are both hard working. Can't wait to see the results. Love, MOM