Michael is such a good big brother - here he is singing "Down by the Bay" to Faith.
And here he is sorting laundry. He really is very good at it.
And here is the latest video of Faith. I was putting her to bed, and Jeff was reading to Michael in his bed. Michael kept standing up and jumping on his bed, then bouncing down on his knees. Faith saw him and cracked up. Jeff got the camera and taped it, but the first couple of times were better than the video.
And I think I'm going to follow Callie's tradition of the Thankful Thursday, posting five things for which I'm grateful:
- I'm grateful that Jeff is willing to stand up for what he believes, even to people who might not believe the same. I've been thinking lately about a time when he told his sister that he had voted for the amendment to the Utah Constitution which would define marriage as between a man and a woman, and he also said that he would vote for it again. He told her this even though he knows that she and her partner could not be married under that law. I just admire him for that. I voted for it, too, but I'm not sure I would have told her that I did.
- I'm grateful to have a job that I love but do not really need.
- I'm grateful that my family is close and that we care about each other. Some people think we're always in each others' business, but I feel like we all matter to each other and we just want to stay close.
- I'm grateful for the internet. What would I do if I couldn't search for the answers to my many questions (How much B-12 should a 5-month-old have? What's a good recipe for London broil? And most recently, which organs make up sweetmeats? - Don't ask).
- I'm grateful that Michael is so cute. If he weren't, my frustrations would boil over and I would scream. But he has this way of just disarming all of it. The other day I was very angry at him, and he put his hands on my cheeks and said, "Mommy, don't be sad. Be happy." It was so cute that it made everything better.
- And as a bonus, I'm grateful for Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? It is seriously my veg of choice while Michael and Faith nap in the afternoon. I would have won $250,000 today, if only it had been me instead of what's-his-name from wherever. Aahh, wishful thinking. Maybe someday....
Thank you for posting this! It made my day to watch the kids videos. They were adorable. I just love those kids so much! :) Your post actually made my cry today. (Big surprise) Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!
Faith's laugh is so funny. Michael is such a good brother. I know he will always be kind. He has a great Dad as that example. Millionare is a great relaxer for me, too. Sometimes the questions worth the most money are easier than the least. Probably because alot of it is pop culture and other unimportant facts which I care nothing about. You should go on the show and actually win the money. I know you could because you are very smart!!!!!!!!!!
You're a good mommy. Can't wait to see you tomorrow.
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