Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Love New York

Can I just say, I love New York City. I could live here. Except for the stinky smell that comes from all the garbage in the street. What's up with that? But seriously, I love the big city. Of course, when I really think about it, I prefer visiting big cities to living in them.

I've always heard about how rude New Yorkers are. But that has not been my experience at all. Everyone we have met has been so nice - from the lady who carried Faith's stroller around, to the NYPD officer who got me some tissue paper so I could change Faith's diaper on the subway floor (don't ask), to the bus driver who went out of his way to help us get to the Giants game, to the man at the cookie stand who gave me the cookies for $4 instead of $4.25 when I couldn't find a quarter. It's been a hard trip, honestly. Hauling Faith around by myself in a city that I'm unfamiliar with is hard. I have to haul her stroller up and down stairs at the subway and figure out where we're going. But I feel totally comfortable here. So even though it's been hard, it has been a great experience. I've been blessed. Today I was supposed to meet Jeff at 5:15 in a certain spot. Well, we had our wires crossed about exactly where that certain spot was. After an hour and a half of waiting in the sweltering hot subway station, I said a silent prayer, and I immediately had the thought that I should walk out a certain way. I did, and there was Jeff. He had been waiting there for the same hour and a half. Should have prayed sooner, huh?

I have a lot more to say, but Marriott charges 49 cents a minute for me to be on this computer, so I'll wait until I get home to write about everything else.


Mark and Emily said...

Can't wait to hear about your NY adventures. That is a city I have always wanted to visit :)

Jeff said...

I knew where we were supposed to meet. What was your problem?