Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Primary Program

I don't know why I even try on some days. Our morning started out really well. We got to church on time, with both kids fed and happy. Michael knew his part for the program ("We can pray to Heavenly Father") and was excited to sing and speak in front of everyone. I was really looking forward to sacrament meeting.

But something happened between Primary and sacrament meeting. I saw Michael in the hall just before we went into the chapel, and he was pouting because his teacher had taken away his M&Ms. Apparently, they'd had a treat in Primary, but the teachers had collected all the M&Ms and told the kids they would hand them out again after the program. Makes sense, right? You don't want the kids eating chocolate during the program. But the little kids just don't understand that, I guess.

So he went into the chapel a little less than happy. Then he was asked to sit between Jacie and Ragan instead of between Jacie and Addison. I guess when they practiced, he had been by Addison, and he was excited about that. But when they changed it, he started to cry. His teacher brought him down to us and told us that he was a little emotional. I talked with him for a while, and then brought him back up to sit with his class. He started to lose control again, so I brought him back down to sit with us until the sacrament was over.

He went back up and sat in the empty seat when the sacrament was over, but he was not happy. His class was first up to say their parts. He got up and said, "We can booooooooooooooo." He didn't really say boo, but he mumbled so much that that's what it sounded like. I was ticked. It's not like he was hurt. He just didn't get his way, so he decided to be a pill. When the kids would stand up to go to the front and sing, he would shuffle so slowly that the kids behind him couldn't get to the front, and they were waiting forever to start singing. He was disruptive and disrespectful. Finally I'd had enough. I took him off the stand and out to the foyer, where he cried and cried and cried. I don't know what his deal was. But I was honestly considering a good spanking when we got home.

Fortunately for him, he cheered up considerably a little while later. So no spanking. But Jeff did make him go apologize to his teachers for his behavior.

I just don't know what to do with him sometimes. He frustrates me so much that I think if I don't get away from him, I'm going to kick him all the way to the car (or the house, or his room). But at the same time, I'm not willing to just give him whatever he wants to avoid his temper tantrums. Because life isn't like that. Sometimes you don't get your way, and you just have to suck it up and move on.

Yes, another day in the life of being Michael's mother. I really wish we didn't bring out the worst in each other.


Malinda said...

Your Michael sounds so much like my Ben. The good news is that it gets better . . . eventually. :)

Elissa said...

I'd probably be mad too if someone took my m&ms. Sounds like it was a rough day. :(

Connie said...

Why would someone give M&M's and then take them away. They should have just given them at the end. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes there are no choices. I hope someday Michael wiil figure that out. You are a great Mom with tons of patience. Keep up the good work.

Hollie said...

I love your honesty. I feel the same way so many days...probably too many! =) I must say, I never noticed any of this going on. Although I may have been too busy praying that Addison didn't stick her finger up her nose while on the stand. Also, this was the first Sunday that Urban actually sat and was good the entire time. Talk about a miracle, I don't think anything else could have phased me. I was ecstatic. I usually leave church being so upset with his behavior during Sacrament that I just want to scream by the time we get out to the parking lot. Oh the joys!

Lindsay said...

This is why candy is not supposed to be allowed at all during primary.. Just causes problems. We are having a teacher meeting next week and this is one of the topics we will be discussing. Michael did so great practicing before sacrament.. We all though it was so funny because he was holding Addison's hand the whole time- They were so cute! So no wonder he was upset when he didn't get to sit by her. I didn't notice him being disruptive during the program. But I'm sorry you had a stressful day- Those little ones are unpredictable at times.

Rachel said...

I can SO relate, way too often. Bailey is quite the indpendent soul. I was just hoping Bailey didn't yell "nooo!!" when it was her turn and run off the stand. If it makes you feel better, I didn't really notice anything going on with you guys.

Becca said...

Adam refused to participate in any Primary program until last year, when Daniel was finally old enough to join him. I wish it didn't all have to be such a struggle.