Sunday, November 1, 2009

Faith's vocabulary

I just need to make a list somewhere of the words that Faith is saying - just so I can remember.

Michael (she doesn't really pronouce "Michael," but I'm not sure what she says instead. She definitely means Michael, though)
fwy (fly)
fwower (flower)
buh-fwy (butterfly)
dee (drink)
ah-mah (amen)
juice (she accompanies the word "juice" by one clap of her hands - don't know where that came from, but it's cute, and she does it just about every time)

There are probably a couple more, but I can't think of them right now.

She also makes animal sounds: cow, dog, cat, monkey, duck, rabbit (wiggles her mouth and nose), fish (opens and closes her mouth), sheep, and frog.

And she knows just about every part of her body. She loves feet, bellies, noses, and eyes. She hasn't quite got her shoulders, armpits, or ankles down, but just about everything else, she knows.

Anyway, I can't believe how much she's grown!

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