Friday, December 11, 2009

Resolution re-cap

So I was looking today at my list of 2009 resolutions. Just to refresh your memory, here's what they were:

1. get out of non-mortgage debt
2. exercise 4 days a week
3. give up French fries
4. give up carbonation

Hmm. How did I do? Well, we're not out of non-mortgage debt. We bought a minivan, and we financed it. But that's the only non-mortgage debt we have. We do have a credit card that we use mostly for gas, and we pay it off each month, so it doesn't accrue interest. I don't count the credit card.

I exercised four days one week.

I have cut way back on French fries, but I do still occasionally indulge. But once every couple of weeks is lots better than two or three times a week. I'd call that progress.

I still like to drink soda. But as with the French fries, I've done much better. And honestly, I choose Sprite or other non-caffeinated drinks more than I choose Coke, so that's improvement.

Okay, so I failed on all four. Obviously those weren't good resolutions. (Has nothing to do with my willpower.)

For 2010:
1. stay out of non-mortgage, non-vehicle debt
2. exercise four days a week, at least once a month
3. eat French fries no more than once every two weeks
4. drink soda no more than once a week

What was that about raising the bar?


aje said...

LOL!!! You crack me up. I figure that if you made progress, you have success! (But I guess that is just not enough for some of us perfectionists out there!!! ;o)...). In the words of Ardeth Kapp: "You are better than you think you are!" You are - truly. You are doing a great job...progress is a lot better than the alternative.

April said...

I have never accomplished fully any new year's resolutions...

so I am with you.

Good job for tryng.

Your van is nice by the way.

Connie said...

That's why my resolutions are things like, "Have more fun" or "do better". This year I decided that my resolution was to have no resolution. How's that. I'll have to think on 2010. You did really well for 2009 considering you were pregnant. Good job. You are funny.

Rachel said...

You're cute, I like it.