Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thankful Thursday

1. I'm thankful for my serger. It makes all of my projects look so much more "finished." And I'm a perfectionist, so this is very important to me.

2. I'm thankful for staple guns. My dad fixed our couches a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't get around to fixing the upholstery that covers the springs until yesterday and today. The staple gun made it much easier (and the serger made it much nicer looking).

3. I'm thankful for the little travel bed that we moved Lauren into. The pack-n-play was just too bulky to have in my bedroom. And besides, it blocked the heat vent, which made the room way too cold to have a baby in anyway. The travel bed fits right on top of my dresser. I have to get out of bed to feed her at night, but at least it's warmer and I can walk in the bedroom.

4. I'm thankful for Kid to Kid, where on an impulse, I bought said travel bed several months ago.

5. I'm thankful for friends who donate their kids' old clothes to me. Both Lauren and Faith got some darling things from my friend Brandy.

6. I'm thankful for a warm house, presents under the Christmas tree, cute kids, a good husband, nice sheets on my bed, a sleeping baby.

Life is good.

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