Sunday, August 17, 2008

Off We Go.....

So Jeff and Faith and I are leaving early tomorrow morning for the Big Apple. I'm really excited, but I'm also really stressed. Unfortunately, me being stressed means that I'm ornery and kind of a jerk. Sorry, Jeff. I really don't mean to be so witchy. Mostly I'm worried about getting there. I'm not sitting by Jeff in the plane, and I am in a middle seat, holding Faith on my lap. So here is a random sampling of my thoughts:
  • What if I get stuck between two large men who don't like babies?
  • How am I going to discreetly nurse Faith between those two large men who don't like babies? I have a little blanket that I'll use, but still....
  • What do we do with the carseat? We're taking it, but we have to check it. So every time we get in a cab, we'll haul the carseat with us. But what about when we get out of the cab? What do we do with the carseat while we go to the Giants game and this or that museum? I'm starting to wonder if people in NYC have babies. How do they do it?
  • What if I have to go to the bathroom during the flight? Those little airplane restrooms are a big enough hassle without having to hold a baby while you do your business. I guess I could let one of the two large men hold her.... Actually, I guess I could go give her to Jeff. Maybe he'll be between two skinny ladies who love babies. That would be awesome.
  • What if Faith screams the whole flight? She isn't a very fussy baby - she's actually really mellow and happy. But in a strange situation with two large men that she doesn't know on either side of her, it might be a different story.
Okay. So my real fear is that I'll get stuck between two large men who don't like babies. Is that what you got out of that?

I really am very excited. Michael is staying at my parents' house this week. I'll come home Thursday, but Jeff won't be back until really late Friday night. We're going to Bear Lake this weekend for the Whole Hansen Family Bear Lake Trip. My parents will pick Faith and me up, and they'll have Michael with them. I'll go to Bear Lake with them, and then Jeff will come up early Saturday morning. I'm really looking forward to going to Bear Lake, too. As happy as I am with my life, my husband, my kids, there is still some part of me that longs for those days when the most complicated thing was how I would get to Laketown or Garden City on the weekend. Ah, the memories....


Connie said...

Two large men many not like babies but they'll always like boobs. Sorry, I just had to say it. Mom

Mandi said...

I hope you have tons of fun. You are already long gone, but just want to say that I recommend bringing a stroller for that Faith's car seat fits in, because while you will occasionally take a cab, my experience in New York has been that you get places faster if you walk or take the subway, not a cab. Cabs are pretty expensive and with all the traffic, you don't get anywhere very fast. We took a cab from Penn Station to the Temple because I was in dress shoes and didn't want to walk, and we almost missed the session we were aiming for because traffic was so bad, even though it was only about 1.5 miles.

Mark and Emily said...

Loved this post!!!