Sunday, October 26, 2008


The sweet smell of freedom. Okay, maybe not "freedom," per se, and maybe not a "smell," per se - okay, maybe not the sweet smell of freedom at all. But aaaaahhhhh, the joy of knowing that the Primary program is OVER (can I say that again? OVER!! Can I emphasize it more? OVER!!!!!) Woo-hoo!!!! And the best part is that it won't come around again for another year. Woo-hoo!!!!

In all honesty, the program went very well. We ended exactly on time, the kids knew their songs and parts (mostly), and there was only minor fighting over the best spots each time they had to come up to the front to sing their songs. Our chapel is not very conducive to a program. We have a small Primary (about 30 kids), and all the chairs are behind the piano and organ. So short kids can't be seen even when they're standing, and with so few voices, they get drowned out by the piano. So our solution has been to have the kids leave their seats behind the piano and come out in front of it, standing behind the pulpit but in front of the bishopric seats. We only had time to practice that maneuver twice today before the actual program, so I didn't go over the "rules" as thoroughly as I should have. I did tell them to let the little kids stand in front so everyone could be seen. But I forgot about "don't push other kids out of the way," and "don't balance with your hands on the wall and then kick it during the whole song," and "don't stand up and sit down and stand up and sit down while you're singing the songs," and probably a few more that I can't think of right now.

But at this point, I don't care what went wrong. I only care that it's OVER!!!!!


Connie said...

All those things that you said they did help to make it all the better. The children's program is the best all year and it could never be bad because they are so darn cute. I'm glad you are relieved and I'm sure that it was great. You're a wonderful president to stress about it so much. I have memories of doing them also. They always work out beautifully. Good job. Love, MOM

Callie Hansen said...

Good job! I'm looking forward to ours being over as well. Nov. 9th...countin down the days! :)